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The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)   (Read 411868 times)
Old Post February 05, 2017, 05:05:59 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
I just realized that the last update I made on here is almost a year old lol.

Here's the latest demo link:

A full changelog can be found in the readme if you want more detail on everything that's changed. Overall the game is running super smooth and is nearing feature completion. The latest demo contains the first part of the main story up through battle 2.

I also made a short single battle demo a while back testing out the laser eye, hidden units, and status effects. Nothing special but you might find it fun to check out.

Laser Eye Demo:

Chris also recorded a playthrough of my latest demo which was quite fun to watch.

Old Post March 09, 2017, 04:36:19 pm
Blahian *

Posts: 1

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
The gameplay was fun to watch! Gonna definitely download it and check it out during the weekend. Thanks for sharing!

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Old Post March 12, 2017, 06:58:12 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Thanks for the support! I appreciate it!
I'm currently working on a bunch of quality of life stuff for the next update. Mainly the save / load system, church and caravan menus, and getting weapons to display correctly in battle cutscenes. There's a bunch of other super small things mixed in there as well, but overall they aren't too important.

Old Post March 25, 2017, 04:03:55 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
The entire church menu is complete now. Save and Load works like a charm. I also made promotion more flexible, allowing for multiple promotion tiers if one chooses. The SF2 special class promotions also work and they can also look at any statistic as well. For example, maybe a character can become a special class when they are poisoned, or if they have over X amount of kills, ect.

Should you utilize multiple promotions, you can do something like the following:
Mage -> Wizard -> GrandWizard
Mage -> Wizard -> BattleMage (with mage's dagger)
Mage -> Sorcerer (with Magic Book) -> GrandSorcerer
Mage -> Sorcerer(with Magic Book) -> Warlock (If cursed when promoting)
Essentially, you now have more creative possibilities should you wish to go down that rout.

Oh yeah and we have some more options now too.

if Perma death is enabled, you cant resurrect fallen units. When trying to 'raise' via the church menu the priest will say "Sorry, but even I cannot resurrect the dead."

Oh right, and weapons now work correctly in battle cutscenes for the melee animations. Ranged is going to be a little more complicated... Curse you explosive AoE arrows!

Old Post March 26, 2017, 12:36:51 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
That interface looks so good! Nice to hear there's an option for perma-death too, it should make for some interesting challenges.

What was the hardest part of getting the church working? It's something I've put off doing because I hate building user interfaces.

Old Post March 27, 2017, 04:14:07 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
I had a few people request a perma-death feature early on. It was easy enough to add so I went for it lol. Also as you mention challenges, I plan on adding achievements down the line so... good luck lol.

I don't really think any part of the church was terribly difficult, but as you said, menus are a pain. I hate working on them myself! When you get down to it though, all the church functions work relatively the same. I think the most annoying part is adding all the different possibilities such as not enough gold, no I don't want to raise this character, oops wrong button I want to back out of the menu, ect.

Raise was the first thing I coded up because the rest are pretty copy paste and change a few things. Basically you keep an array of your team members and iterate though it. If it goes through the whole list and no one is / was dead, you show the "no one needs my help" message. If someone is dead, you ask the player if they want to rez them for X amount of gold and so on.

Cure was pretty much the same thing as raise. The only difference is you have multiple loops (one for each ailment) and you're changing the status infliction variables rather than the death state one.

Promote was a little bit of a pain, simply because you also have to work with the member list UI as well. That and I had to create a script that tells the game if you can promote a character or not, what the level requirements are, do they have a special class, ect.

Save was actually the easiest thing. Just a loop with a massive wall of variables to save to an ini file. (or whatever extension you give it) I chose not to encrypt the save files at all for modding and testing reasons so if you open it up with notepad, it's all in plain English.




Although not really part of the church menu, Loading is essentially save in reverse. Read and create all the variables and room_goto(LastSaveRoom);

New Post April 21, 2017, 02:19:52 am
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
I finally got the tedious Advisor Menu done. The 4 options are Talk, Join, Leave, and Help.

Talk: Have a friendly chat with your advisor based on story state. (Sometimes required to advance plot)
Join: Add force members to your active battle party.
Leave: Remove people from your active battle party.
Help: Church functions.

I also added a global "Max battle party size" variable. By default it's set to 12. Karina's portrait has also been updated.

The remaining To-Do list for Alpha 1.4 is as follows.

-Fix Egress (Currently just restarts the battle and heals all characters)
-Add "Below ship map"
-Finish rigging characters for battle weapons
-Add ranged weapons (and exploding arrows) to battle cutscenes.
-Search in battle
-Battle platforms (Because y'all keep bugging me about this! lol)
-Polish existing dialogue / cutscenes.

New Post April 22, 2017, 05:51:38 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Aaaand Explosive arrows are officially added. With some other stuff.

New Post April 23, 2017, 01:23:00 pm
Shining Sideburns *

Posts: 837

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
This game is looking fantastic! Those battle custcenes are perfect and I love the explosive arrows too. Looking forward to trying out the alpha when it's released!

New Post April 24, 2017, 02:53:56 pm
Blahian *

Posts: 1

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
it's a nice little game. Thanks for sharing it.

New Post April 26, 2017, 02:56:40 am
Blahian *

Posts: 1

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Wow im really impressed man. Will keep an eye out for more updates. Thanks for your work.

Once upon a time i was a soldier

New Post April 26, 2017, 01:22:00 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Okay, projectiles are now more polished. I added a speed option for the projectile pan so that other projectiles (such as Kira's dagger throw) don't fly too fast to be seen. I also officially added the explosion tag. Now there can be more than 1 explosion or post hit animation for different projectiles or none at all.

-Kira's weapon has been removed from her battle sprite. (Now I just need to rig up her melee animation)
+Kira's dagger throw animation.
+Show weapon tag.

Also, I have now finally added the battle foregrounds (platforms) to the battle cutscenes. (So everyone who has been reporting this 'bug' since the pre-alpha demo no longer has to report it!) Honestly, it took 2 seconds. The reason I never added them before is that I was more focused on AI / other important gameplay stuff. But after a year of begging, I figured you guys deserve this one. Smiley


There's only one last thing to add to the battle cutscenes now and that is figuring out whether or not to play a melee or ranged attack animation in the case of centaurs. I'll see if I can get that implemented before work today.

New Post April 28, 2017, 04:26:18 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Alrighty. I officially fixed egress. Now it animates properly and takes you back to the last church you visited (unless otherwise overwritten due to story state). Also going along with this, your characters will no longer rez themselves due to the addition of the Church / Advisor menus.
+Search in battle has been added.
+All characters have been rigged up for weapon displays in the battle cutscenes.

All that's left is some minor polishing work. I'll be going through the cutscene dialogues to make it flow better (still not happy with the early game stuff) and adding the below ship map (so you have somewhere to egress to during battle 2).

New Post May 06, 2017, 06:23:13 am
Blahian *

Posts: 1

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Wow, this looks amazing! I have wanted to see a project like this happen for a long time, and would have engaged myself in it if I had any particular skill or patience for programming...I'm a musical guy, so music is my forte! Cheesy Is there a way to help or be involved? I would really love to do so!

New Post May 07, 2017, 04:55:52 pm
Shining Star *

Posts: 58

Re: The Legend of Syro (Shining Force Fan Game)
Hello Edvard. As of right now the best way to help out with the project is to play the demos and report any bugs or spelling / grammatical errors, and to offer feedback on the gameplay and the story so far.

I'll probably be dealing with assets such as sound effects, music, and art at a later date once the game is closer to completion. Mainly because with work and real life stuff, I don't know how long this project is going to take me to finish and I don't want people waiting years to see their work in action. Nonetheless, if anyone wanted to offer their services in those fields, the help would be appreciated.


Anyways a little update.
I'm currently halfway done with revising the prologue story. Although this wont be seen for a while yet, it will be important moving forward. After that, I'll be touching up the dialogue and cutscenes in the previous demo and adding the below ship map.

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